Workshop guidelines and approach


The workshop will have the following six Space Lidar sessions/topical areas:

Each session will have 4 or less invited papers, and depending on the time available and at the discretion of the Technical Session Chair (TSC), a few contributed short presentations on important issues from the attendees will be accommodated. These will be followed by a recap and discussion. A breakout session is planned on the fourth day, where each TSC will present an overview addressing the key conclusions for his topical area, including scientific possibilities and technical challenges.

Session organization & duties of the session chairs:

Each session will be chaired/co-chaired by topical area experts. They are responsible for:

  1. Planning each session agenda and invited talks. A maximum of four invited talks will occur per session.
  2. Extending invitations for the invited talks and soliciting and securing a 4-6 page manuscript (White Paper) summarizing each invited talk.
  3. Selecting the panel for their panel discussion.
  4. Conducting a panel discussion addressing the key questions of the workshop as they apply to their session. Also how the invited talks in the session inform/address those topics.
  5. Summarizing the key points of the session discussion (including open questions and minority views) in viewgraph format to be presented at the workshop. A final form will be presented during the last day.
  6. After the workshop, summarizing in the form of a White Paper their session discussions and the key conclusions. These will be collected from all sessions, and along with an introduction and summary will form the workshop report to be published by the IEEE.

Session and workshop summary:

Each invited speaker will submit, by the deadline, a “White Paper” summarizing the group’s view of the present status in their area, the group’s vision for the future, technical approaches, challenges, opportunities for future missions, any new space missions, status of technology development approaches to address common issues, and ways to increase collaboration for future missions. Interactive panel discussions are planned to engage the broader community participation and capture their input in their final report. To include contribution from the broader lidar community and workshop participants, the workshop will accept Extended Abstracts, not exceeding 6-pages from workshop participants detailing their approach for lidar measurements. If time permits, authors of the Extended Abstract will make brief presentations during each appropriate  session. A summary of these will be presented to the larger group and discussed on Day 5 of the workshop. In support of this, the invited speakers in each session shall be requested to address these topics in their presentation, and furnish their presentation material as part of the record. The White Paper and the Extended Abstracts along with Summary Report will be included in the Workshop Proceedings and made available to all workshop participants and to the various space agencies and industrial organizations attending.


The input for invited/contributed submission is now open

To submit a contribution, the creation of a personal account is needed. Please create your account in using the tool at your disposal on the left side of the website.  You   will then have access to the online submission system.

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